Ruined Empires

A man hugging his steampunk horse
A man hugging his steampunk horse
IllustratorIn: MANDEM, Robert Brown, Ben Hummel, Kory Leal
Veröffentlicht: 2011

“Skeletons of rust reach to the sky

Ruined empires of days gone by.”

Abney Park

When the governor of Isla Aether approaches you with a treasure map pointing the way to ancient ruins filled with valuable technology, it seems like an easy job. But wild beasts, rival Neobedouin treasure hunters and an Imperal Air Navy frigate are just the beginning of your troubles … betrayal is never far away when you’re a pirate!

Acomplete adventure for a crew of Airship Pirates.

Author: klenkes

Roland Lichti spielt seit 1985 Rollenspiele. Er verdient seinen Lebensunterhalt mit Computern und ist der zweitgrößte Torg-Fan der Welt.

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